Immunservice Welcomes Hubertus Wald Stiftung as New Investor

Hubertus Wald and his wife Renate are among the most generous and important patrons in Hamburg. For many years now the Hubertus Wald Stiftung, which they endowed, has promoted and financed important work in the areas of medical research, culture, and social projects primarily in Hamburg.

Through its investment in Immunservice GmbH, the Hubertus Wald Stiftung is combining two central foundation functions: the promotion of medical innovation and the long-term mission of increasing the foundation’s endowment.

Immunservice Pleased to Have New Investor Helmut Ponath Aboard

Helmut Ponath, CEO and Executive Spokesman for the Reederei NSB, is an experienced, extraordinarily successful Business Angel who is active in a variety of business fields with tremendous economic potential.